ANE To Launch Its Pioneering Efforts In Relief And Rehabilitation Of IDPs

ANE To Launch Its Pioneering Efforts In Relief And Rehabilitation Of IDPs

Since July 2018, under the guidance of the Government of Ethiopia, ANE has been engaged in in the provision of critical support in relief and rehabilitation of an estimated number of more than half a million vulnerable people (IDPs) displaced as a result of the renewed inter-communal violence in Gedo Zone and West Guji Zone, Southern Nations , Nationalities and People (SNNPR) and Oromia Regions.

Obviously, this represents a huge challenge. The good news, however, ANE has been able to meet the challenge with concrete and exemplary achievement ensuring the basic support and protection of the IDPs in terms of relief and rehabilitation. Moreover, ANE is launching its pioneering efforts in relief and rehabilitation of IDPs at the end of January 2020. The EVENT, to be launched in Bule-Hora, is expected to be attended by Ministers, high level Government Officials including from ARRA, and other invited guests and stakeholders including UNHCR, representatives from Embassies, Consular Offices, Civil Society Leaders, Chairman and Members of ANE’s Board, Managing Director and Senior Management, Heads and Staff of ANE’s field offices as well as Representatives from the community.

ANE Jigjiga field office
ANE Jigjiga field office

Indeed, ANE’s role in the relief and rehabilitation of IDPs is of paramount importance. But, it also needs to be seen from the viewpoint of the fact that it represents nothing more the ice berg of what ANE endeavors to do in the big picture of its broader mandate supporting refugees and vulnerable host communities and providing humanitarian services and livelihood support in the different parts of the country.

In overall terms, since its establishment in 2012, ANE has served a total number of more than 2 million beneficiaries through its various interventions including relief, recovery and rehabilitation, health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), shelter and infrastructures, education, livelihood support, environmental protection and psycho-social support responding to the humanitarian and livelihood support needs of refugees, vulnerable host communities including IDPs.

ANE Jigjiga field office
ANE Jigjiga field office
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